Sunny The Dog Of The Ocean

Haystack twilight Jim Nix via Compfight

Ok, today guys im going to be talking about my old dog Sunny ¨the dog of the ocean¨. DISCLAIMER!! So this story might be a little sad, if you cry easily, don’t read!

So in this I was about 4 years old. Little Tuscany running down the beach with her brother, Dalton, other brother, Austin, sister, Amber, mom, and, dad, and her dog, Sunny. My family and I were walking down the sunny beach. I of course was in the water, with my brother. Sunny was barking at the beautiful (and annoying)  grey sea gulls. I randomly started to yell at my mom to look and well I guess there was a big wave.

Luckily my brother Austin got me out of the way with his pro football moves. But Sunny was not as lucky as me. When I heard the yelp of my dog, I screamed realizing that my little sunny was next to me. That day I lost one of my best friends. My only friend back then.

This story was the story of my old dog Sunny and the last time I saw her. R.I.P Sunny, the dog of the ocean. Guys have you ever been to Pride Rock at the beach (its the picture above)?

Thank for reading!! And like I say keep blogging!!




Week 2

So while I’ve been blogging, I’ve seen REALLY good blogs (It sometimes makes me jealous). I’ve visited 2 people from my school and 2 people from the student blogging challenge.

First off I want to say thank you visiting and reading this! The first person to start off with is Nick’s blog. He described him and how he like or hates school. I could really connect to this blog because he says ¨I have difficult time paying attention´´.

Next there’s Mason’s blog.  I just really like how creative he is, and well I love anime to. Most people don’t show their love of anime, so when I saw this it actually made me happy 🙂

Third person is my good friend Madelyn’s blog. She show her love of horses to everyone. Oh, and just skip this part (unless madelyn). No I have not had a horse but I rode one and almost fell off.

Last but not least, my other good friend Amber. I love how she described how tall, but not tall she is(?) and how she describes all about herself and how our school is.

That all for now!! Please comment your favorite blog!

We Were Best Friends

Doch Merlin eignet sich gut als Kopfkissen

DORIS META FRANZ via Compfight

They said we could never be friends

As time went on we became closer and closer

We were best friends


People my say that we should stay away from each other

Because we argued so loud it would hurt their ears

We were best friends


We may have our ups and downs

But that’s our history

We grow up together

And died together

That’s why we’re best friends